Detailed explanation of the config file to adapt the resource to your player needs.
The config.lua
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "qb" -- "qb"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "ps", "qb", "ox", "qs"
Config.FrameworkPseudo = 'qb-core'
Config.Target = "qb" -- ox !!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT
Config.UseInteract = true
Config.Img = 'qb-inventory/html/images/'
Config.SpawnPeds = true -- set it to false if you spawn peds using another script
Config.Tax = 0.08;
-- just an example on how to use can interact.
-- as it is not possible to pass a function into json.
local function CanToggleSignIn()
return true
Config.NPCs = {
img = 'https://i.ibb.co/grX3Qxm/npc.png',
ped = 'a_m_m_hillbilly_02',
coords = vector4(207.89, -1638.43, 28.78, 320.94),
job = "all", -- { ["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 0} if you are using target
gang = "all", -- { ["ballas"] = 2, ["thelostmc"] = 0} if you are using target
groups = "all", -- { ["police"] = 2, ["ambulance"] = 0} if you are using intearaction
firstname = 'NPC',
lastname = 'NAME',
rep = 0,
mission = 'Mission Name',
text = 'The first message serves as an introduction to outline the mission details for the player. It provides essential information about the objectives, tasks, and any critical instructions needed to successfully complete the mission. This message acts as a guide, setting the tone and expectations for the player, ensuring they understand their role and the challenges they will face.',
buttons = {
text= 'First Button',
rep = 0,
answer ='Answer For First Button Click.',
text = 'yes',
shop =false,
rep = 0,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-dialog:client:FirstButton',
data= {}
canInteract = CanToggleSignIn(),
text = 'No',
shop =false,
rep = 0,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-dialog:client:HideUi',
data= {}
canInteract = true
canInteract = true
text = 'Second Button',
rep = 0,
shop =false,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-dialog:client:SecondButton',
data= {}
canInteract = true
text = 'Third Button',
rep = 0,
shop =false,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-dialog:client:ThirdButton',
data= {}
canInteract = true
text = 'Open Shop',
rep = 0,
shop = true,
answer = null,
canInteract = true
name = 'screwdriver',
label = 'Screw Driver',
image = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'screwdriver.png',
type = 'Equipement',
price = 1000,
rep = 0,
amount = 0, -- keep it 0
info = {},
canInteract = true
name = 'repairkit',
label = 'Repair Kit',
image = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'repairkit.png',
type = 'Equipement',
price = 750,
rep = 0,
amount = 0, -- keep it 0
info = {},
canInteract = true
name = 'thermite',
label = 'Thermite',
image = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'thermite.png',
type = 'Equipement',
price = 600,
rep = 0,
amount = 0, -- keep it 0
info = {},
canInteract = true
img = 'https://i.postimg.cc/RZnBXFHP/Capture-d-cran-2024-11-25-102447.png',
ped = 's_m_y_garbage',
coords = vector4(-322.08, -1539.33, 26.73, 272.88),
job = "all", -- { ["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 0} if you are using target
gang = "all", -- { ["ballas"] = 2, ["thelostmc"] = 0} if you are using target
groups = "all", -- { ["police"] = 2, ["ambulance"] = 0} if you are using intearaction
firstname = 'LEO',
lastname = 'EARTHWELL',
rep = 0,
mission = 'Garbage Job',
text = 'Nice To see you again, What can I do for you?',
buttons = {
text = 'Sign in/out',
shop =false,
rep = 0,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-garbagejob:client:ToggleSingin',
data= {}
canInteract = true,
text = 'Join/Create Group',
shop =false,
rep = 0,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-groups:client:OpenUi',
data= {}
canInteract = true,
text= 'I want to work',
answer ='Ready for a day of hard work?',
rep = 0,
text = 'yes',
shop =false,
rep = 0,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-garbagejob:client:StartWorking',
data= {}
canInteract = true,
text = 'Leave Conversation',
shop =false,
rep = 0,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-dialog:client:HideUi',
data= {}
canInteract = true,
canInteract = true,
text = 'Work Clothes',
shop =false,
rep = 0,
action= {
isServer= false,
event= 'zat-garbagejob:client:Clothes',
data= {}
canInteract = true,
Last updated