Detailed explanation of the config file to adapt the resource to your player needs.
The config.lua
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "qb" -- "qb"
Config.Inventory = "ox" -- "ps", "qb", "ox", "qs"
Config.QBInventory = "old" -- new
Config.Target = "qb" -- ox !!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT
Config.FrameworkPseudo = 'qb-core'
Config.Doorlock = 'ox' -- ox = 'qb-phone'
Config.ZoneDebug = false
Config.UseNPCDialog = true
Config.UseInteract = true
Config.UseGangApp = true
---------- Only if Config.UseNPCDialog is set to false ---------------
Config.NPC = { --
model = "a_m_m_eastsa_02", --
coords = vector4(510.69, -1951.57, 23.99, 307.67) --
} --
Config.ShopItems = { --
[1] = { --
name = "laundromatusb", --
price = 1000, --
amount = 50, --
info = {}, --
type = "item", --
slot = 1, --
} --
} --
Config.MiniumCops = 0
Config.zatui = 'zat-ui' -- set 'qb-menu', if you renamed the 'zat-ui' resource name to 'qb-menu'
Config.RequiredItem = 'laundromatusb'
Config.GenerateTime = 1 -- time in minutes
Config.Fail = 3 -- number of fails to cancel the Safe
Config.AlarmUrl = '' -- alarm URL
Config.AlarmStop = 3 -- 3 minutes and the alarm sound will stop
Config.Dispatch = 'qb-core' -- cd_dispatch, ps-dispatch
Config.Timeout = 30 -- 30 minutes cooldown between each laundromat (doors are closed again after this timeout so make it as longer as you can)
Config.PoliceJobs = {
Config.ChoppingMinigame = {
timer = 7,
cols = 6,
rows = 3,
letters = 15,
Config.BreakMinigame = {
speed = 20
Config.BossMinigame = {
circles = 5,
time = 40,
Config.Generator = {coords = vector3(78.90, -1562.24, 34.70), heading = 141.64} -- heading is used for animation heading
Config.CutPower = {coords = vector3(98.11, -1558.70, 30.10), heading = 53.90} -- heading is used for animation heading
Config.Safe = {coords = vector3(95.950, -1555.21, 30.01), open_h = 120.0, close_h = 50.0, model = -1992154984} -- open heading and closed heading.
Config.Slots = 2 -- laundromat safe slots
-- random Safe Reward from the list below.
-- feel free to add/modify the list below.t
Config.SafeRewards = {
[1] = { name = 'rollcash', info = { worth = 2650 }, amount = 5},
[2] = { name = 'markedbills', info = { worth = 5620 }, amount = 2},
[3] = { name = 'goldbar', info = { }, amount = 3},
-- 3% to get a rare reward from the list below
-- feel free to add/modify the list below.
Config.RareRewardChance = 3
Config.SafeRareRewards = {
[1] = { name = 'blueprint', info = { type = "thermite" }, amount = 1},
-- random Usb will be spawned on the table from the list below.
-- feel free to add/modify the list below.
Config.Usbs = {
[1] = { model = 'hei_prop_hst_usb_drive', coords = vector3(95.18, -1556.87, 29.54), name = 'trojan_usb', info = {}, amount = 1},
-- random Break Reward from the list below.
-- feel free to add/modify the list below.
Config.WMRewards = {
[1] = { name = 'goldcoin', info = {}, min = 1, max = 50},
Config.Washmachines = {
[1] = {coords = vector3(89.20, -1556.84, 29.53), busy = false},
[2] = {coords = vector3(89.61, -1557.38, 29.48), busy = false},
[3] = {coords = vector3(90.22, -1557.80, 29.53), busy = false},
[4] = {coords = vector3(90.78, -1558.33, 29.47), busy = false},
[5] = {coords = vector3(91.31, -1558.79, 29.53), busy = false},
[6] = {coords = vector3(91.89, -1559.27, 29.53), busy = false},
[7] = {coords = vector3(92.45, -1559.78, 29.48), busy = false},
[8] = {coords = vector3(91.33, -1561.10, 29.53), busy = false},
[9] = {coords = vector3(90.78, -1560.61, 29.48), busy = false},
[10] = {coords = vector3(90.20, -1560.16, 29.53), busy = false},
[11] = {coords = vector3(89.65, -1559.66, 29.48), busy = false},
[12] = {coords = vector3(89.05, -1559.24, 29.53), busy = false},
[13] = {coords = vector3(91.39, -1564.65, 29.53), busy = false},
[14] = {coords = vector3(91.84, -1564.08, 29.48), busy = false},
[15] = {coords = vector3(92.32, -1563.57, 29.53), busy = false},
[16] = {coords = vector3(92.79, -1563.00, 29.53), busy = false},
[17] = {coords = vector3(93.26, -1562.42, 29.53), busy = false},
Config.Props = {
['top'] = {
coords = vector4(78.90, -1562.24, 33.30, 140.00),
prop = 'm23_1_prop_m31_electricbox_01a',
['office'] = {
coords = vector4(98.12, -1558.73, 30.00, 52.97),
prop = 'm23_1_prop_m31_keypad_01a',
Last updated