
Detailed explanation of the config file to adapt the resource to your player needs.

The config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Framework        = "qb" -- "esx"
Config.Inventory        = "qb" -- "qb", "ox", "qs"
Config.QBInventory      = "old" -- new
Config.Img              = 'qb-inventory/html/images/'
Config.Target           = "qb" -- ox !!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT
Config.FrameworkPseudo  = 'qb-core'
Config.UseInteract      = true

Config.RefreshProps         = 1             -- refresh props every 15 mins (to check if some props were removed...)
Config.UpdatePlants         = 1             -- Update Plant data every 15 mins
Config.WaterDecay           = 0.5           -- Decrease amount of the Water every minute.
Config.SoilDecay            = 0.5           -- Decrease amount of the soil every minute.

Config.SoilThreshold        = 45            -- Value under it, the Plant Health will decrease
Config.WaterThreshold       = 45            -- Value under it, the Plant Health will decrease
Config.LightThreshold       = 45            -- Value under it, the Plant Health will decrease
Config.HealthBaseDecay      = {5, 10}   -- The decrease amount of the Plant Health when needs are missing.(water, nutrition and lights)

Config.CompostUpdateTime    = 1         -- Update Comp every 15 minutes
Config.rottenDecay          = 1       -- Value decreased for comp every Config.CompostUpdateTime

-- Props 
-- MAX is 4 slots (you can not do more)
Config.Pots = {
    ['farm_pot_xs'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_xs',
        type        = 'KITCHEN POT',
        slots       = 1,
        img         = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'farm_pot_xs.png',
        description = 'An old milk crate ready for a new life.',
    ['farm_pot_s'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_s',
        type        = 'MILK CRATE SMALL',
        slots       = 2,
        img         = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'farm_pot_s.png',
        description = 'An old milk crate ready for a new life.',
    ['farm_pot_m'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_m',
        type        = 'MILK CRATE MEDIUM',
        slots       = 3,
        img         = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'farm_pot_m.png',
        description = 'An old milk crate ready for a new life.',
    ['farm_pot_l'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_l',
        type        = 'MILK CRATE LARGE',
        slots       = 4,
        img         = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'farm_pot_l.png',
        description = 'An old milk crate ready for a new life.',

Config.Wheat = 'farm_wheat_comp'    -- mashing this item with any rotten item will give yeast item
Config.Yeast = 'farm_yeast'         -- mashing this item with any rotten item will give yeast item

Config.Items = {
    ['seeds'] = {
            name        = 'farm_seed_tomato',
            img         = 'https://i.ibb.co/2gN8T6b/tomato-seed.png',
            label       = 'Tomato',
            reward      = 'farm_tomato',
            compost     = 'farm_tomato_comp',
            mash	    = 'farm_tomato_mash',
            fertiliser  = 5, -- round of item health / 5 ( if the health is 100 you will get 20 fertiliser) minimum you will get 1 no worries of 0.
            grow        = 3, -- 3 minutes to fully grow
            amount      = math.random(1,3),
            props       = {
                [1] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_seed',   -- stage 1
                [2] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_xs',     -- stage 2
                [3] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_s',      -- stage 3
                [4] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_m',      -- stage 4
                [5] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_l'       -- stage 5
            name        = 'farm_seed_corn',
            img         = 'https://i.ibb.co/xDdcdJ6/corn-seed.png',
            reward      = 'farm_corn',
            compost     = 'farm_corn_comp',
            mash	    = 'farm_corn_mash',
            fertiliser  = 5, -- round of item health / 5 ( if the health is 100 you will get 20 fertiliser) minimum you will get 1 no worries of 0.
            grow        = 1, -- 3 minutes to fully grow
            amount      = math.random(1,3),
            label       = 'Corn',
            props       = {
                [1] = 'prop_farm_plant_three_seed',   -- stage 1
                [2] = 'prop_farm_plant_three_xs',     -- stage 2
                [3] = 'prop_farm_plant_three_s',      -- stage 3
                [4] = 'prop_farm_plant_three_m',      -- stage 4
                [5] = 'prop_farm_plant_three_l'       -- stage 5
            name        = 'farm_seed_sunflower',
            img         = 'https://i.ibb.co/hYjM9Ly/sunflower-seed.png',
            reward      = 'farm_sunflower',
            compost     = 'farm_sunflower_comp',
            mash	    = 'farm_sunflower_mash',
            fertiliser  = 5, -- round of item health / 5 ( if the health is 100 you will get 20 fertiliser) minimum you will get 1 no worries of 0.
            grow        = 15, -- 3 minutes to fully grow
            amount      = math.random(1,3),
            label       = 'SunFlower',
            props       = {
                [1] = 'prop_farm_plant_two_seed',   -- stage 1
                [2] = 'prop_farm_plant_two_xs',     -- stage 2
                [3] = 'prop_farm_plant_two_s',      -- stage 3
                [4] = 'prop_farm_plant_two_m',      -- stage 4
                [5] = 'prop_farm_plant_two_l'       -- stage 5
            name        = 'farm_seed_carrot',
            img         = 'https://i.ibb.co/bbnYJhY/carrot-seed.png',
            reward      = 'farm_carrot',
            compost     = 'farm_carrot_comp',
            mash	    = 'farm_carrot_mash',
            fertiliser  = 5, -- round of item health / 5 ( if the health is 100 you will get 20 fertiliser) minimum you will get 1 no worries of 0.
            grow        = 3, -- 3 minutes to fully grow
            amount      = math.random(1,3),
            label       = 'Carrot',
            props       = {
                [1] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_seed',   -- stage 1
                [2] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_xs',     -- stage 2
                [3] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_s',      -- stage 3
                [4] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_m',      -- stage 4
                [5] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_l'       -- stage 5
            name        = 'farm_seed_onion',
            img         = 'https://i.ibb.co/tLFTGgH/onion-seed.png',
            reward      = 'farm_onion',
            compost     = 'farm_onion_comp',
            mash	    = 'farm_onion_mash',
            fertiliser  = 5, -- round of item health / 5 ( if the health is 100 you will get 20 fertiliser) minimum you will get 1 no worries of 0.
            grow        = 3, -- 3 minutes to fully grow
            amount      = math.random(1,3),
            label       = 'Onion',
            props       = {
                [1] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_seed',   -- stage 1
                [2] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_xs',     -- stage 2
                [3] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_s',      -- stage 3
                [4] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_m',      -- stage 4
                [5] = 'prop_farm_plant_one_l'       -- stage 5
            name        = 'farm_seed_wheat',
            img         = 'https://i.ibb.co/Nr8SpH7/farm-seed-wheat.png',
            reward      = 'farm_wheat',
            compost     = 'farm_wheat_comp',
            mash	    = 'farm_wheat_mash',
            fertiliser  = 5, -- round of item health / 5 ( if the health is 100 you will get 20 fertiliser) minimum you will get 1 no worries of 0.
            grow        = 3, -- 3 minutes to fully grow
            amount      = math.random(1,3),
            label       = 'Wheat',
            props       = {
                [1] = 'prop_farm_plant_four_seed',   -- stage 1
                [2] = 'prop_farm_plant_four_xs',     -- stage 2
                [3] = 'prop_farm_plant_four_s',      -- stage 3
                [4] = 'prop_farm_plant_four_m',      -- stage 4
                [5] = 'prop_farm_plant_four_l'       -- stage 5
    ['water'] = {
            name = 'farm_water'
    ['fertiliser'] = {
            name  = 'farm_fertilizer',
            label = 'fertilizer',
            img   = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'farm_fertilizer.png',

Config.Lights = { -- add any lights you want ...
    ['farm_light_s'] = { 
        model       = 'h4_prop_x17_sub_lampa_small_blue',
        max         = 50,  -- gives max coverage of 50% 
        min_dis    = 1.0,  -- Less than this distance, the plant will be full covered.
        max_dis    = 3.0,  -- More than this distance, the plant will not be covered at all.
    ['farm_light_l'] = { 
        model       = 'h4_prop_x17_sub_lampa_large_blue',
        max         = 100, -- gives max coverage of 100% 
        min_dis    = 5.0,  -- Less than this distance, the plant will be full covered.
        max_dis    = 7.0,  -- More than this distance, the plant will not be covered at all.

Config.Tools = { -- add any lights you want ...
    ['farm_mil'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_farming_mil',
        type        = 'mil',
    ['farm_compost'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_farming_compost',
        type        = 'comp',
    ['farm_sink_s'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_ff_sink_02',
        type        = 'sink',
    ['farm_sink_m'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_bar_sink_01',
        type        = 'sink',
    ['moon_distillation'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_moonshine',
        type        = 'moonshine',

--------------------- MOONSHINE CONFIG ------------------------------
Config.MoonshineTime = 5
Config.MoonshineItem = {
    name    = 'moon_moonshine',
    pack    = 'moon_moonshine_pack',
    amount  = 6, -- 1 pack = 6 bottles
    label   = 'Moonshine',
    effects = {
            quality = 20, --less than 20% quality
            type    = 'stress',
            multi   = 1, -- 1 x quality if the quality is 20%, the drink will retrieve 20% of stress ( you can change it to 0.5, 1.5, etc..)
            effect  = 'MenuMGSelectionIn',
            periode = nil, -- nil means it doesn't depends on time
            quality = 40, -- 20 < quality < 40
            type    = 'stamina',
            multi   = 1,
            effect  = 'HeistTripSkipFade',
            periode = 30, -- 30 seconds
            quality = 60, -- 40 < quality < 60
            type    = 'sprint',
            multi   = 0.8, -- more than 0.5 it will have no effects 
            effect  = 'MP_job_load',
            periode = 30, -- 30 seconds
            quality = 80, -- 60 < quality < 80
            type    = 'health',
            multi   = 1, 
            effect  = 'MenuMGTournamentIn',
            periode = nil, -- nil means it doesn't depends on time
            quality = 100, -- 80 < quality < 100
            type    = 'armor',
            multi   = 1, 
            effect  = 'MenuMGHeistIn',
            periode = nil, -- nil means it doesn't depends on time

Config.Moonshine = {
    -- 10 slots 
    [1] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [2] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [3] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [4] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [5] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [6] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [7] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [8] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [9] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST
    [10] = {
        chemicals   = {
            ['Nd'] = 100.0, -- BEST 
            ['Hi'] = 80.0,
            ['Hu'] = 60.0,
            ['Sr'] = 40.0,
            ['Pb'] = 30.0,
            ['Hg'] = 20.0,
            ['Li'] = 10.0, -- WORST
        items = { -- You must list every ingredients here (if you miss one it will not show in the ui as item) (check client/inventories.lua line 133)
            ['farm_tomato_mash'] = 100.0,-- BEST 
            ['farm_corn_mash'] = 80.0,
            ['farm_sunflower_mash'] = 50.0,
            ['farm_carrot_mash'] = 30.0,
            ['farm_onion_mash'] = 20.0,
            ['farm_wheat_mash'] = 10.0 -- -- WORST

Config.Chemicals = {

Last updated