Gang App
This is how to make the roofrunning works with the gang app script
All you need to do is go to config.lua and set this value to true :
Config.UseGangApp = true
To add the mission into the gang app go to config.lua and add this under Config.Contracts :
{ id = 2, -- adapt the id of course label = 'Cash Exchange', requirements = { 'RFID Cloner', }, price = 15, available = true, image = '', resource = 'zat-cashexchange', text = 'Cashexchange mission started, head over to the location and contact the responsable...', coords = vector3(1213.85, -1238.6, 35.33) -- npc location },
NPC interaction :
If you don't use zat dialog then make sure that you have disabled the group option from the client/target.lua.
If you use zat dialog then use this part :
-- exchange { img = '', ped = 'a_m_m_socenlat_01', anim = 'CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_TIME_OF_DEATH', coords = vector4(1213.85, -1238.6, 35.33, 92.7), job = "all", -- { ["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 0} if you are using target gang = "all", -- { ["ballas"] = 2, ["thelostmc"] = 0} if you are using target groups = "all", -- { ["police"] = 2, ["ambulance"] = 0} if you are using intearaction firstname = 'BARK', lastname = 'MOORE', rep = 0, mission = 'cashexchange', text = 'Hey there, looking for a side gig, huh? Iβve got an idea thatβs a bit unconventional, but trust me, itβll pay off. Picture this: you and your crew sneak into a cashexchange office, and grap all the money in there!.', buttons = { { text= 'I want to work', rep = 0, answer ='Ready for a day of hard work?', buttons={{ text = 'yes', shop =false, rep = 0, action= { isServer= false, event= 'zat-cashexchange:client:StartWorking', data= {} }, canInteract = CanToggleSignIn(), }, { text = 'Leave Conversation', shop =false, rep = 0, action= { isServer= false, event= 'zat-dialog:client:HideUi', data= {} }, canInteract = true } }, canInteract = true }, { text = 'Open Shop', rep = 0, shop = true, answer = null, canInteract = true }, }, items={ { name = 'rfid_cloner', label = 'RFID Cloner', image = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'rfid_cloner.png', type = 'Equipement', price = 1000, rep = 0, amount = 0, -- keep it 0 info = {}, canInteract = true }, } },
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