
Example on how to Give PC Componentes:

You can add them as a reward from heist or add them into a shop (that is up to you)

Adding the items below with /giveitem command will cause malfunction !!!

    local src = source 
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
    local info = {
        type = "XTR-4090",
        performance = 100,
        hz = 2.4,
    if Config.Inventory == 'qb' then
        Player.Functions.AddItem("zatgpu", 10, false, info)
        TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items['zatgpu'], "add")
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'ox' then
        exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(src, "zatgpu", 10, info)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'qs' then
        exports['qs-inventory']:AddItem(src, "zatgpu", 10, nil, info)
    local info = {
        type = "NEZYR7-7950",
        performance = 100
    if Config.Inventory == 'qb' then
        Player.Functions.AddItem("zatcpu", 1, false, info)
        TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items['zatcpu'], "add")
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'ox' then
        exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(src, "zatcpu", 1, info)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'qs' then
        exports['qs-inventory']:AddItem(src, "zatcpu", 1, nil, info)

    local info = {
        type = "ETYBAGIG-B650E",
        performance = 100
    if Config.Inventory == 'qb' then
        Player.Functions.AddItem("zatmb", 1, false, info)
        TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items['zatmb'], "add")
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'ox' then
        exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(src, "zatmb", 1, info)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'qs' then
        exports['qs-inventory']:AddItem(src, "zatmb", 1, nil, info)

    local info = {
        type = "RIASROC-RM750X",
        performance = 100
    if Config.Inventory == 'qb' then
        Player.Functions.AddItem("zatps", 1, false, info)
        TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items['zatps'], "add")
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'ox' then
        exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(src, "zatps", 1, info)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'qs' then
        exports['qs-inventory']:AddItem(src, "zatps", 1, nil, info)

    if Config.Inventory == 'qb' then
        Player.Functions.AddItem("zatmodem", 1, false)
        TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items['zatmodem'], "add")
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'ox' then
        exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(src, "zatmodem", 1)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'qs' then
        exports['qs-inventory']:AddItem(src, "zatmodem", 1, nil)

Last updated