
Dependencies :


You will need the latest version of esx_core

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.


You will need the latest version of Interact or qb-target

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.

Inventories :


1- Go to qb-inventory/html/js/app.js :

        case "farm_water":
            if (itemData.info.water == undefined) {
                return `<p>water: 0%</p>`;
                return `<p>water: ${itemData.info.water}%</p>`;
        case "farm_seed_tomato":
            if (itemData.info.genetics == undefined) {
                return `<p>Genetics: ------</p>`;
                return `<p>Genetics : ${itemData.info.genetics}</p>`;
        case "farm_seed_corn":
            if (itemData.info.genetics == undefined) {
                return `<p>Genetics: ------</p>`;
                return `<p>Genetics : ${itemData.info.genetics}</p>`;
        case "farm_seed_sunflower":
            if (itemData.info.genetics == undefined) {
                return `<p>Genetics: ------</p>`;
                return `<p>Genetics : ${itemData.info.genetics}</p>`;
        case "farm_seed_carrot":
            if (itemData.info.genetics == undefined) {
                return `<p>Genetics: ------</p>`;
                return `<p>Genetics : ${itemData.info.genetics}</p>`;
        case "farm_seed_wheat":
            if (itemData.info.genetics == undefined) {
                return `<p>Genetics: ------</p>`;
                return `<p>Genetics : ${itemData.info.genetics}</p>`;
        case "farm_seed_onion":
            if (itemData.info.genetics == undefined) {
                return `<p>Genetics: ------</p>`;
                return `<p>Genetics : ${itemData.info.genetics}</p>`;
        case "farm_tomato":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>
                <p>Rotten : 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>
                <p>Rotten : ${itemData.info.rotten}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_corn":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>
                <p>Rotten : 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>
                <p>Rotten : ${itemData.info.rotten}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_sunflower":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>
                <p>Rotten : 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>
                <p>Rotten : ${itemData.info.rotten}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_carrot":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>
                <p>Rotten : 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>
                <p>Rotten : ${itemData.info.rotten}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_wheat":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>
                <p>Rotten : 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>
                <p>Rotten : ${itemData.info.rotten}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_onion":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>
                <p>Rotten : 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>
                <p>Rotten : ${itemData.info.rotten}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_tomato_comp":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_corn_comp":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_sunflower_comp":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_carrot_comp":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_carrot_wheat":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_onion_comp":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_tomato_mash":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_corn_mash":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_sunflower_mash":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_carrot_mash":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_wheat_mash":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_onion_mash":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "farm_water_tap":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "moon_moonshine":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  
        case "moon_moonshine_pack":
            if (itemData.info.purity == undefined) {
                return `<p>Quality: 0%</p>`;  
                return `<p>Quality: ${itemData.info.purity}%</p>`;  

2- Add the items below to the qb-core/shared/items.lua :

    -- farming
    -- pots
    farm_pot_xs            = { name = 'farm_pot_xs',                  label = 'Pot XS',                                 weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_pot_xs.png',                                           unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'XS Pot' },
    farm_pot_s             = { name = 'farm_pot_s',                   label = 'Pot S',                                  weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_pot_s.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'S Pot' },
    farm_pot_m             = { name = 'farm_pot_m',                   label = 'Pot M',                                  weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_pot_m.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'M Pot' },
    farm_pot_l             = { name = 'farm_pot_l',                   label = 'Pot L',                                  weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_pot_l.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'L Pot' },
    -- lights
    farm_light_s           = { name = 'farm_light_s',                  label = 'Light S',                             weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_light_s.png',                                           unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Light S' },
    farm_light_l           = { name = 'farm_light_l',                  label = 'Light L',                             weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_light_l.png',                                           unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Light L' },
    -- tomato
    farm_seed_tomato       = { name = 'farm_seed_tomato',             label = 'Tomato Seed',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_seed.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Tomato Seed' },
    farm_tomato            = { name = 'farm_tomato',                  label = 'Tomato',                                 weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_tomato.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Tomato' },
    farm_tomato_comp       = { name = 'farm_tomato_comp',             label = 'Rotten Tomato',                          weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_tomato_comp.png',                                     unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Rotten Tomato' },
    farm_tomato_mash       = { name = 'farm_tomato_mash',             label = 'Mash Tomato',                           weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_tomato_mash.png',                                     unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mash Tomato' },
    -- corn
    farm_seed_corn         = { name = 'farm_seed_corn',               label = 'Corn Seed',                              weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_seed.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Corn Seed' },
    farm_corn              = { name = 'farm_corn',                    label = 'Corn',                                   weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_corn.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Corn' },
    farm_corn_comp         = { name = 'farm_corn_comp',               label = 'Rotten Corn',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_corn_comp.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Rotten Corn' },
    farm_corn_mash         = { name = 'farm_corn_mash',               label = 'Mash Corn',                              weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_corn_mash.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mash Corn' },
    -- Sunflower
    farm_seed_sunflower    = { name = 'farm_seed_sunflower',          label = 'SunFlower Seed',                         weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_seed.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'SunFlower Seed' },
    farm_sunflower         = { name = 'farm_sunflower',               label = 'SunFlower',                              weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_sunflower.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'SunFlower' },
    farm_sunflower_comp    = { name = 'farm_sunflower_comp',          label = 'Rotten SunFlower',                       weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_sunflower_comp.png',                                  unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Rotten SunFlower' },
    farm_sunflower_mash    = { name = 'farm_sunflower_mash',          label = 'Mash SunFlower',                         weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_sunflower_mash.png',                                  unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mash SunFlower' },
    -- Carrot
    farm_seed_carrot       = { name = 'farm_seed_carrot',             label = 'Carrot Seed',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_seed.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Carrot Seed' },
    farm_carrot            = { name = 'farm_carrot',                  label = 'Carrot',                                 weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_carrot.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Carrot' },
    farm_carrot_comp       = { name = 'farm_carrot_comp',             label = 'Rotten Carrot',                          weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_carrot_comp.png',                                     unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Rotten Carrot' },
    farm_carrot_mash       = { name = 'farm_carrot_mash',             label = 'Mash Carrot',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_carrot_mash.png',                                     unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mash Carrot' },
    -- Sunflower
    farm_seed_onion       = { name = 'farm_seed_onion',               label = 'Onion Seed',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_seed.png',                                             unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Onion Seed' },
    farm_onion            = { name = 'farm_onion',                    label = 'Onion',                                 weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_onion.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Onion' },
    farm_onion_comp       = { name = 'farm_onion_comp',               label = 'Rotten Onion',                          weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_onion_comp.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Rotten Onion' },
    farm_onion_mash       = { name = 'farm_onion_mash',               label = 'Mash Onion',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_onion_mash.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mash Onion' },
    -- Wheat
    farm_seed_wheat       = { name = 'farm_seed_wheat',               label = 'Wheat Seed',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_seed.png',                                             unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Wheat Seed' },
    farm_wheat            = { name = 'farm_wheat',                    label = 'Wheat',                                 weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_wheat.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Wheat' },
    farm_wheat_comp       = { name = 'farm_wheat_comp',               label = 'Rotten Wheat',                          weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_wheat_comp.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Rotten Wheat' },
    farm_wheat_mash       = { name = 'farm_wheat_mash',               label = 'Mash Wheat',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_wheat_mash.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mash Wheat' },

    -- Yeast
    farm_yeast             = { name = 'farm_yeast',                   label = 'Yeast',                                weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_yeast.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Yeast' },
    -- water tap
    farm_water_tap         = { name = 'farm_water_tap',               label = 'Water Tap',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_water_tap.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Water Tap' },
    -- tools
    farm_water             = { name = 'farm_water',                   label = 'Water Can',                              weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_water.png',                                            unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Water Can' },
    farm_fertilizer        = { name = 'farm_fertilizer',              label = 'Fertilizer',                             weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_fertilizer.png',                                       unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Fertilizer' },
    farm_mil               = { name = 'farm_mil',                     label = 'Mil Machine',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_mil.png',                                              unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mil Machine' },
    farm_compost           = { name = 'farm_compost',                 label = 'Compost Box',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_compost.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Compost Box' },
    farm_sink_s            = { name = 'farm_sink_s',                  label = 'Sink',                                   weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_sink_s.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Sink' },
    farm_sink_m            = { name = 'farm_sink_m',                  label = 'Modern Sink',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'farm_sink_m.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Modern Sink' }, 

    -- Moonshine
    moon_distillation      = { name = 'moon_distillation',            label = 'Moonshine Distillation',               weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'moon_distillation.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Moonshine Distillation' }, 
    moon_moonshine_pack    = { name = 'moon_moonshine_pack',          label = 'Moonshine Pack',                       weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'moon_moonshine_pack.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Moonshine Pack' }, 

    moon_moonshine         = { name = 'moon_moonshine',               label = 'Moonshine',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'moon_moonshine.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Moonshine' },    

1- Add the code below under qs-inventory/server/custom/misc/createuseableitem.lua

-- farming
local Pots = {
	['farm_pot_xs'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_xs',
    ['farm_pot_s'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_s',
    ['farm_pot_m'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_m',
    ['farm_pot_l'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_l',

for k, v in pairs(Pots) do 
    CreateUsableItem(k, function(source, item)
        local src = source
        TriggerClientEvent("zat-farming:client:UseItem", src, item.name, v.model, 'pots')
        -- Remove Item
        exports['qs-inventory']:RemoveItem(src, item.name, 1, item.slot)
local Lights = { -- add any lights you want ...
	['farm_light_s'] = { 
		model       = 'h4_prop_x17_sub_lampa_small_blue',
	['farm_light_l'] = { 
		model       = 'h4_prop_x17_sub_lampa_large_blue',

for k, v in pairs(Lights) do 
    CreateUsableItem(k, function(source, item)
        local src = source
        TriggerClientEvent("zat-farming:client:UseItem", src, item.name, v.model, 'lights')
        -- Remove Item
        exports['qs-inventory']:RemoveItem(src, item.name, 1, item.slot)
local Tools = { -- add any lights you want ...
    ['farm_mil'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_farming_mil',
    ['farm_compost'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_farming_compost',
    ['farm_sink_s'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_ff_sink_02',
    ['farm_sink_m'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_bar_sink_01',
    ['moon_distillation'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_moonshine',

for k, v in pairs(Tools) do 
    CreateUsableItem(k, function(source, item)
        local src = source
        TriggerClientEvent("zat-farming:client:UseItem", src, item.name, v.model, 'tools')
        -- Remove Item
        exports['qs-inventory']:RemoveItem(src, item.name, 1, item.slot)
-- Water Can
CreateUsableItem('farm_water', function(source, item)
    local src = source
    if item.info.water == nil then
        item.info.water = 0
    if item.info.water == 0 then
        -- Remove Item
        TriggerClientEvent('zat-farming:client:FillWater', src, item)
-- Moonshine
CreateUsableItem('moon_moonshine_pack', function(source, item)
    local src = source
    if item.info.purity == nil then
        item.info.purity = 0
    exports['qs-inventory']:AddItem(src, 'moon_moonshine', 6, nil, item.info)
    exports['qs-inventory']:RemoveItem(src, item.name, 1, item.slot)

CreateUsableItem('moon_moonshine', function(source, item)
    local src = source
    TriggerClientEvent('zat-farming:client:StartEffect', src, item)
    exports['qs-inventory']:RemoveItem(src, item.name, 1, item.slot)


2- Add the items below into your qs-inventory/shared/items.lua

    -- farming
    ['farm_pot_xs']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_pot_xs',
        ['label'] = 'Pot XS',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_pot_xs.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Pot XS...'
    ['farm_pot_s']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_pot_s',
        ['label'] = 'Pot S',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_pot_s.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Pot S...'
    ['farm_pot_m']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_pot_m',
        ['label'] = 'Pot M',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_pot_m.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Pot M...'
    ['farm_pot_l']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_pot_l',
        ['label'] = 'Pot L',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_pot_l.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Pot L...'
    ['farm_light_s']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_light_s',
        ['label'] = 'Light S',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_light_s.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Light S...'
    ['farm_light_l']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_light_l',
        ['label'] = 'Light L',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_light_l.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Light L...'
    ['farm_seed_tomato']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_seed_tomato',
        ['label'] = 'Tomato Seed',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_seed_tomato.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Tomato Seed...'
    ['farm_tomato']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_tomato',
        ['label'] = 'Tomato',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_tomato.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Tomato...'
    ['farm_tomato_comp']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_tomato_comp',
        ['label'] = 'Rotten Tomato',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_tomato_comp.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Rotten Tomato...'
    ['farm_tomato_mash']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_tomato_mash',
        ['label'] = 'Mash Tomato',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_tomato_mash.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mash Tomato...'
    ['farm_seed_corn']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_seed_corn',
        ['label'] = 'Corn Seed',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_seed_corn.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Corn Seed...'
    ['farm_corn']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_corn',
        ['label'] = 'Corn',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_corn.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Corn...'
    ['farm_corn_comp']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_corn_comp',
        ['label'] = 'Rotten Corn',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_corn_comp.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Rotten Corn...'
    ['farm_corn_mash']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_corn_mash',
        ['label'] = 'Mash Corn',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_corn_mash.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mash Corn...'
    ['farm_seed_sunflower']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_seed_sunflower',
        ['label'] = 'SunFlower Seed',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_seed_sunflower.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'SunFlower Seed...'
    ['farm_sunflower']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_sunflower',
        ['label'] = 'SunFlower',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_sunflower.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'SunFlower...'
    ['name']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'name',
        ['label'] = 'label',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'name.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'label...'
    ['farm_sunflower_comp']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_sunflower_comp',
        ['label'] = 'Rotten SunFlower',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_sunflower_comp.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Rotten SunFlower...'
    ['farm_sunflower_mash']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_sunflower_mash',
        ['label'] = 'Mash SunFlower',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_sunflower_mash.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mash SunFlower...'
    ['name']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'name',
        ['label'] = 'label',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'name.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'label...'
    ['farm_seed_carrot']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_seed_carrot',
        ['label'] = 'Carrot Seed',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_seed_carrot.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Carrot Seed...'
    ['farm_carrot']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_carrot',
        ['label'] = 'Carrot',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_carrot.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Carrot...'
    ['farm_carrot_comp']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_carrot_comp',
        ['label'] = 'Rotten Carrot',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_carrot_comp.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Rotten Carrot...'
    ['name']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'name',
        ['label'] = 'label',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'name.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'label...'
    ['farm_carrot_mash']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_carrot_mash',
        ['label'] = 'Mash Carrot',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_carrot_mash.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mash Carrot...'
    ['farm_seed_onion']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_seed_onion',
        ['label'] = 'Onion Seed',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_seed_onion.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Onion Seed...'
    ['farm_onion']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_onion',
        ['label'] = 'Onion',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_onion.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Onion...'
    ['farm_onion_comp']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_onion_comp',
        ['label'] = 'Rotten Onion',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_onion_comp.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Rotten Onion...'
    ['farm_onion_mash']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_onion_mash',
        ['label'] = 'Mash Onion',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_onion_mash.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mash Onion...'
    ['farm_seed_wheat']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_seed_wheat',
        ['label'] = 'Wheat Seed',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_seed_wheat.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Wheat Seed...'
    ['farm_wheat']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_wheat',
        ['label'] = 'Wheat',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_wheat.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Wheat...'
    ['farm_wheat_comp']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_wheat_comp',
        ['label'] = 'Rotten Wheat',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_wheat_comp.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Rotten Wheat...'
    ['farm_wheat_mash']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_wheat_mash',
        ['label'] = 'Mash Wheat',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_wheat_mash.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mash Wheat...'
    ['farm_yeast']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_yeast',
        ['label'] = 'Yeast',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_yeast.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Yeast...'
    ['farm_water_tap']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_water_tap',
        ['label'] = 'Water Tap',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_water_tap.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Water Tap...'
    ['farm_water']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_water',
        ['label'] = 'Water Can',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_water.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Water Can...'
    ['farm_fertilizer']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_fertilizer',
        ['label'] = 'Fertilizer',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_fertilizer.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Fertilizer...'
    ['farm_mil']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_mil',
        ['label'] = 'Mil Machine',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_mil.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mil Machine...'
    ['farm_compost']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_compost',
        ['label'] = 'Compost Box',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_compost.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Compost Box...'
    ['farm_sink_s']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_sink_s',
        ['label'] = 'Sink',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_sink_s.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Sink...'
    ['farm_sink_m']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'farm_sink_m',
        ['label'] = 'Modern Sink',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'farm_sink_m.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Modern Sink...'
    ['moon_distillation']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'moon_distillation',
        ['label'] = 'Moonshine Distillation',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'moon_distillation.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Moonshine Distillation...'
    ['moon_moonshine_pack']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'moon_moonshine_pack',
        ['label'] = 'Moonshine Pack',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'moon_moonshine_pack.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Moonshine Pack...'
    ['moon_moonshine']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'moon_moonshine',
        ['label'] = 'Moonshine',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'moon_moonshine.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Moonshine...'

1- Add the code below under ox_inventory/modules/items/client.lua

local Pots = {
	['farm_pot_xs'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_xs',
    ['farm_pot_s'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_s',
    ['farm_pot_m'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_m',
    ['farm_pot_l'] = {
        model       = 'prop_milk_crate_l',

for k, v in pairs(Pots) do 
	Item(k, function(data, slot)
		ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
			if data then
				TriggerEvent("zat-farming:client:UseItem", slot.name, v.model, 'pots')
				TriggerServerEvent('zat-farming:server:removeitem', slot.name, 1, slot.slot)

local Lights = { -- add any lights you want ...
	['farm_light_s'] = { 
		model       = 'h4_prop_x17_sub_lampa_small_blue',
	['farm_light_l'] = { 
		model       = 'h4_prop_x17_sub_lampa_large_blue',

for k, v in pairs(Lights) do 
	Item(k, function(data, slot)
		ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
			if data then
				TriggerEvent("zat-farming:client:UseItem", slot.name, v.model, 'lights')
				TriggerServerEvent('zat-farming:server:removeitem', slot.name, 1, slot.slot)

local Tools = { -- add any lights you want ...
    ['farm_mil'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_farming_mil',
    ['farm_compost'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_farming_compost',
    ['farm_sink_s'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_ff_sink_02',
    ['farm_sink_m'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_bar_sink_01',
    ['moon_distillation'] = { 
        model       = 'prop_moonshine',

for k, v in pairs(Tools) do 
	Item(k, function(data, slot)
		ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
			if data then
				TriggerEvent("zat-farming:client:UseItem", slot.name, v.model, 'tools')
				TriggerServerEvent('zat-farming:server:removeitem', slot.name, 1, slot.slot)

-- Water Can

Item('farm_water', function(data, slot)
	ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
		if data then
			if slot.metadata.water == nil then
				slot.metadata.water = 0
			if slot.metadata.water == 0 then
				-- Remove Item
				TriggerEvent('zat-farming:client:FillWater', slot)

-- Moonshine
Item('moon_moonshine_pack', function(data, slot)
	ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
		if data then
			if slot.metadata.purity == nil then
				slot.metadata.purity = 0
			TriggerServerEvent('zat-farming:server:additem', 'moon_moonshine', 6, slot.metadata)
			TriggerServerEvent('zat-farming:server:removeitem', slot.name, 1, slot.slot)

Item('moon_moonshine', function(data, slot)
	ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
		if data then
			TriggerEvent('zat-farming:client:StartEffect', slot)
			TriggerServerEvent('zat-farming:server:removeitem', slot.name, 1, slot.slot)

2- Add the items below into your ox-inventory/data/items.lua

["farm_seed_carrot"] = {
		label = "Carrot Seed",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Carrot Seed",
		client = {
			image = "farm_seed.png",

	["farm_carrot_mash"] = {
		label = "Mash Carrot",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mash Carrot",
		client = {
			image = "farm_carrot_mash.png",

	["farm_sink_s"] = {
		label = "Sink",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Sink",
		client = {
			image = "farm_sink_s.png",

	["farm_light_s"] = {
		label = "Light S",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Light S",
		client = {
			image = "farm_light_s.png",

	["farm_carrot_comp"] = {
		label = "Rotten Carrot",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Rotten Carrot",
		client = {
			image = "farm_carrot_comp.png",

	["farm_sink_m"] = {
		label = "Modern Sink",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Modern Sink",
		client = {
			image = "farm_sink_m.png",

	["moon_distillation"] = {
		label = "Moonshine Distillation",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Moonshine Distillation",
		client = {
			image = "moon_distillation.png",

	["farm_onion_comp"] = {
		label = "Rotten Onion",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Rotten Onion",
		client = {
			image = "farm_onion_comp.png",

	["farm_corn_mash"] = {
		label = "Mash Corn",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mash Corn",
		client = {
			image = "farm_corn_mash.png",

	["farm_light_l"] = {
		label = "Light L",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Light L",
		client = {
			image = "farm_light_l.png",

	["farm_seed_sunflower"] = {
		label = "SunFlower Seed",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "SunFlower Seed",
		client = {
			image = "farm_seed.png",

	["moon_moonshine_pack"] = {
		label = "Moonshine Pack",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Moonshine Pack",
		client = {
			image = "moon_moonshine_pack.png",

	["farm_seed_wheat"] = {
		label = "Wheat Seed",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Wheat Seed",
		client = {
			image = "farm_seed.png",

	["farm_sunflower_comp"] = {
		label = "Rotten SunFlower",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Rotten SunFlower",
		client = {
			image = "farm_sunflower_comp.png",

	["farm_tomato_comp"] = {
		label = "Rotten Tomato",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Rotten Tomato",
		client = {
			image = "farm_tomato_comp.png",

	["farm_mil"] = {
		label = "Mil Machine",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mil Machine",
		client = {
			image = "farm_mil.png",

	["farm_seed_tomato"] = {
		label = "Tomato Seed",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Tomato Seed",
		client = {
			image = "farm_seed.png",

	["farm_pot_xs"] = {
		label = "Pot XS",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "XS Pot",
		client = {
			image = "farm_pot_xs.png",

	["farm_pot_m"] = {
		label = "Pot M",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "M Pot",
		client = {
			image = "farm_pot_m.png",

	["farm_onion"] = {
		label = "Onion",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Onion",
		client = {
			image = "farm_onion.png",

	["farm_onion_mash"] = {
		label = "Mash Onion",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mash Onion",
		client = {
			image = "farm_onion_mash.png",

	["farm_compost"] = {
		label = "Compost Box",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Compost Box",
		client = {
			image = "farm_compost.png",

	["farm_water_tap"] = {
		label = "Water Tap",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Water Tap",
		client = {
			image = "farm_water_tap.png",

	["farm_corn"] = {
		label = "Corn",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Corn",
		client = {
			image = "farm_corn.png",

	["farm_tomato_mash"] = {
		label = "Mash Tomato",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mash Tomato",
		client = {
			image = "farm_tomato_mash.png",

	["moon_moonshine"] = {
		label = "Moonshine",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Moonshine",
		client = {
			image = "moon_moonshine.png",

	["farm_seed_corn"] = {
		label = "Corn Seed",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Corn Seed",
		client = {
			image = "farm_seed.png",

	["farm_pot_s"] = {
		label = "Pot S",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "S Pot",
		client = {
			image = "farm_pot_s.png",

	["farm_fertilizer"] = {
		label = "Fertilizer",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Fertilizer",
		client = {
			image = "farm_fertilizer.png",

	["farm_wheat"] = {
		label = "Wheat",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Wheat",
		client = {
			image = "farm_wheat.png",

	["farm_seed_onion"] = {
		label = "Onion Seed",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Onion Seed",
		client = {
			image = "farm_seed.png",

	["farm_pot_l"] = {
		label = "Pot L",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "L Pot",
		client = {
			image = "farm_pot_l.png",

	["farm_sunflower_mash"] = {
		label = "Mash SunFlower",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mash SunFlower",
		client = {
			image = "farm_sunflower_mash.png",

	["farm_tomato"] = {
		label = "Tomato",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Tomato",
		client = {
			image = "farm_tomato.png",

	["farm_wheat_mash"] = {
		label = "Mash Wheat",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mash Wheat",
		client = {
			image = "farm_wheat_mash.png",

	["farm_water"] = {
		label = "Water Can",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Water Can",
		client = {
			image = "farm_water.png",

	["farm_yeast"] = {
		label = "Yeast",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Yeast",
		client = {
			image = "farm_yeast.png",

	["farm_wheat_comp"] = {
		label = "Rotten Wheat",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Rotten Wheat",
		client = {
			image = "farm_wheat_comp.png",

	["farm_sunflower"] = {
		label = "SunFlower",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "SunFlower",
		client = {
			image = "farm_sunflower.png",

	["farm_carrot"] = {
		label = "Carrot",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Carrot",
		client = {
			image = "farm_carrot.png",

	["farm_corn_comp"] = {
		label = "Rotten Corn",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Rotten Corn",
		client = {
			image = "farm_corn_comp.png",


Last updated