
Detailed explanation of the config file to adapt the resource to your player needs.


-- Framework : 
--            "qb"  : QBCORE
--            "esx" : ESX
Config.Framework = "qb"
--            "qb"  : qb-inventory
--            "ox"  : ox-inventory         
Config.inventory = "qb"
--            "qb-inventory/html/images/"  : qb-inventory
--            "ox_inventory/web/images/"  : ox-inventory                     

Config.img = "qb-inventory/html/images/" --"ox_inventory/web/images/"
-- qb-core and qb-weapons versions:
--            "old" : old version
--            "new" : latest version ***** RECOMMENDED
Config.qbVersion = "new" 
-- Craftables List
-- model            : item prop
-- zoffset          : Z value to postion perfectly the prop on the Ui
-- rep              : Reputation needed ("0" if no reputation needed)
-- amount           : Amount to give after craft ("1" is Recommeneded)
-- time             : crafting time
-- description      : Description written in the Ui
-- costs            : Required items to craft
Config.craftables = {
    ['thermite'] = {
        model = "hei_prop_heist_thermite",
        zoffset = 0.12,
        rep = 70, 
        amount = 1,
        requireBlueprint = true, 
        time = 50, 
        description = "Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder and metal oxide. When ignited by heat or chemical reaction, thermite undergoes an exothermic reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction. Most varieties are not explosive, but can create brief bursts of heat and high temperature in a small area. Its form of action is similar to that of other fuel-oxidizer mixtures, such as black powder.", 
        costs = { 
            ['metalscrap'] = 2,

    ['drill'] = { 
        model = "prop_tool_drill",
        zoffset = 0.17,
        rep = 0, 
        amount = 1,
        requireBlueprint = true, 
        time = 25, 
        description = "bla bla bla.", 
        costs = { 
            ['metalscrap'] = 20,
            ['aluminum'] = 10,
            -- ['iron']=  50,
            -- ['rubber'] = 20,
            -- ['glass'] = 10,
            -- ['aluminumoxide']=  50,
            -- ['copper']=  50,
    ['repairkit'] = { 
        model = "h4_prop_h4_tool_box_02",
        description = "bla bla bla.", 
        zoffset = 0.0,
        rep = 0, 
        amount = 1,
        requireBlueprint = false, 
        time = 10, 
        costs = { 
            ['metalscrap'] = 21,
            ['aluminum'] = 11,
            -- ['iron']=  51,
            -- ['rubber'] = 21,
            -- ['glass'] = 11,
            -- ['aluminumoxide']=  51,
            -- ['copper']=  51,

All weapons are added, this is just an example.

-- This is used to add or remove personal supported weapons.
-- name             : Weapon Model
-- model            : Weapon Prop
-- MaxRotationLeft  : Max  Prop Rotation when you move the mouse to the left
-- MaxRotationRight : Rotation when you move the mouse to the right
-- AlphaRx          : Rotation on the screen related to X
-- AlphaRy          : Rotation on the screen related to Y
-- RRMulti          : Rotation Multiplier on the screen related to X
-- AlphaX           : Position  (margin-left)
-- lphaY            : Position  (margin-top)
Config.Weapons = {
    ['weapon_dagger']= { 
        ["name"] = "weapon_dagger",            
        ["model"] = "w_me_dagger",            
        ["MaxRotationLeft"] = 10,               
        ["MaxRotationRight"] = 120,            

        ["SupressorAlphaRx"] = 0,              
        ["SupressorAlphaRy"] = 0,               
        ["SupressorRRMulti"] = 0,              
        ["SupressorAlphaX"] = 0,                
        ["SupressorAlphaY"] = 0,                

        ["ClipAlphaRx"] = 0,
        ["ClipAlphaRy"] = 0,
        ["ClipRRMulti"] = 0,
        ["ClipAlphaX"] = 0,
        ["ClipAlphaY"] = 0,

        ["FlashlightAlphaRx"] = 0,
        ["FlashlightAlphaRy"] = 0,
        ["FlashRRMulti"] = 0,
        ["FlashlightAlphaX"] = 0,
        ["FlashlightAlphaY"] = 0,

        ["ScopeAlphaRx"] = 0,
        ["ScopeAlphaRy"] = 0,
        ["ScopeRRMulti"] = 0,
        ["ScopeAlphaX"] = 0,
        ["ScopeAlphaY"] = 0,

        ["GripAlphaRx"] = 0,
        ["GripAlphaRy"] = 0,
        ["GripRRMulti"] = 0,
        ["GripAlphaX"] = 0,
        ["GripAlphaY"] = 0,

        ["SkinAlphaRx"] = 0.01,
        ["SkinAlphaRy"] = -0.07,
        ["SkinRRMulti"] = 2,
        ["SkinAlphaX"] = 48,                    
        ["SkinAlphaY"] = 55                    

Last updated