
Detailed explanation of the config file to adapt the resource to your player needs.

The config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Framework        = "esx" -- "qb"
Config.Inventory        = "ox" -- "ps", "qb", "ox", "qs"
Config.QBInventory      = "old" -- new
Config.Img              = 'ox_inventory/web/images/'
Config.Target           = "qb" -- ox !!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT
Config.FrameworkPseudo  = 'qb-core'

Config.UseInteract      = true
Config.Menu             = "zat-ui" -- 'qb-menu'

Config.Administration = {
    coords = vector3(-508.32, -731.17, 33.52)

Config.CompanyTaxes = 0.45 -- company will get 55% from the incomes (45% taxes)
Config.useSNRBunsMap = true
Config.Dui = {
    enabled      = true, -- Set TO FALSE IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO USE BANNERS
    coords       = vector3(-513.6, -710.71, 33.67),
    currentImage = 'https://i.ibb.co/rdH8Q9D/banner01.png',
    origTxd      = '3dp_snrbuns_shops_editable_txd',
    origTxn      = 'banner'

Config.ChopGives = 3 -- choppable items will give 3 chopped items
Config.ReadyOrdersStash = {
    slots = 50,
    weight = 4000000,

Config.Soda = { -- Add missing soda machines for missing restaurants
        coords = vector4(-516.56, -721.8, 33.67, 215.41),
        model = 'prop_food_bs_soda_01',
        coords = vector4(-527.19, -691.92, 33.57, 275.59),
        model = 'prop_food_bs_soda_01',

Config.Booths = { -- Every restaurant has it is own data in  [restaurants]
    [1]     = GetSmoothieData(Config.Img),
    [2]     = GetBurgerData(Config.Img),
    [3]     = GetSandwichData(Config.Img),
    [4]     = GetTacosData(Config.Img),
    [5]     = GetPizzaData(Config.Img),
    [6]     = GetSushiData(Config.Img),
    [7]     = GetCoffeeData(Config.Img),
    [8]     = GetNoodleData(Config.Img),
    [9]     = GetKebabData(Config.Img),
    [10]    = GetHotDogData(Config.Img),
    --[11]    = GetGabzBurgerData(Config.Img),

Last updated