Detailed explanation of the config file to adapt the resource to your player needs.
Part of the config.lua
Config = {}
-- Framework :
-- "qb" : QBCORE
-- "esx" : ESX
Config.Framework = "esx"
Config.CooldownForEachRobbery = (60 * 1000) * 3 -- 30 mins
Config.CooldownToAutoCloseDoor = (60 * 1000) * 1 --5 mins
Config.MinimumStoreRobberyPolice = 0
Config.HighlightEntities = true
Config.tickInterval = 1000
Config.UseCard = true
Config.CardItem = "srecuritycard"
Config.DispatchScript = "qb-core" -- ps-dispatch , cd_dispatch, qb-core
Config.MinimumCash = 250
Config.MaximumCash = 500
Config.MinimumRegisterCash = 250
Config.MaximumRegisterCash = 500
Config.MinimumRolled = 5
Config.MaximumRolled = 7
Config.MinimumGold = 1
Config.MaximumGold = 3
Config.Stores = {
["InnocenceBlvd"] = {
["main"] = {
coords = vector3(29.69, -1345.33, 29.5),
time = 0
["keypad"] = {
coords = vector3(25.80, -1341.97, 29.7),
heading = 0.0,
model = "prop_ld_keypad_01b",
["card"] = {
model = "vw_prop_vw_key_card_01a",
pedCoords = vector3(25.57, -1342.44, 29.5),
pedHeading = 4.39
["ped"] = {
model = "s_m_y_busboy_01",
pedCoords = vector3(15.39, -1338.85, 29.28), -- same as 'walletCoords'
pedHeading = 186.86,
weapon = "weapon_pistol50"
["wallet"] = {
model = "prop_ld_wallet_pickup",
["keys"] = {
model = "prop_cuff_keys_01",
["safe"] = {
model = "h4_prop_h4_safe_01a",
safeCoords = vector3(31.05, -1339.85, 29.5),
safeHeading = -90.0,
modelOpen = "h4_prop_h4_safe_01b",
["note"] = {
model = NoteProps[math.random(#NoteProps)],
noteCoords = vector3(29.03, -1338.14, 30.35),
noteHeading = 190.48,
rotX = -90.0,
rotY = 180.0,
rotZ = 180.0,
["registers"] = {
Firstcoords = vector3(25.38, -1345.74, 29.74),
Secondcoords = vector3(25.42, -1347.8, 29.74)
["reward"] = {
["cash1"] = {
model = "hei_prop_heist_cash_pile",
coords = vector3(30.89, -1339.80 , 29.57),
heading = 190.48,
["cash2"] = {
model = "hei_prop_heist_cash_pile",
coords = vector3(30.98, -1339.93, 29.57),
heading = 190.48,
["cash3"] = {
model = "hei_prop_heist_cash_pile",
coords = vector3(31.10, -1339.75, 29.57),
heading = 190.48,
["bag"] = {
model = "ch_prop_ch_moneybag_01a",
coords = vector3(31.28, -1339.82, 29.57),
heading = 90.0,
["gold"] = {
model = "hei_prop_heist_gold_bar",
coords = vector3(31.09, -1340.02, 29.57),
heading = -45.0,
Config.ExtraRegisters = {
["SanAndreasAve"] = {
model = "prop_till_01",
coords = vector3(-1223.85, -908.87, 12.31),
heading = 30.0,
["ProsperityStr"] = {
model = "prop_till_01",
coords = vector3(-1485.36, -379.77, 40.14),
heading = 137.09,
["GreatOceanHwy"] = {
model = "prop_till_01",
coords = vector3(-2967.19, 389.06, 15.02),
heading = 85.44,
["Rout682"] = {
model = "prop_till_01",
coords = vector3(1167.78, 2710.20, 38.14),
heading = 181.98,
["ElRanchoBlvd"] = {
model = "prop_till_01",
coords = vector3(1134.48, -980.57, 46.40),
heading = 278.44,
Last updated