Last updated 3 months ago
You will need the latest version of qb-core.
Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.
Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.
Add item to shared items.lua :
["zat-rentalpaper"] = {["name"] = "zat-rentalpaper", ["label"] = "Rental Paper", ["created"] = nil, ["decay"] = 999.0, ['weight'] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "zat-rentalpaper.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
Add this to ox_inventory/data/itemslua
["zat-rentalpaper"] = { label = "zat-rentalpaper", weight = 1, stack = true, close = true, },
Add this to ox_inventory\modules\items\client.lua:
Item('zat-rentalpaper', function(data, slot) TriggerEvent("zat-carrental:client:UseRentalPaper", slot.metadata) end)
Make sure you have the dependencies listed above installed.
Ensure zat-carrental on the server.cfg.