
Dependencies :


You will need the latest version of qb-core

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.


You will need the latest version of Interact or qb-target

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.


You will need the latest version of xsound

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.


You will need the latest version of interact-sound.

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.


You will need the latest version of Polyzone.

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.


You will need the latest version of mka-lasers.

  • Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.

  • Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.

Inventories :


Add the items below to the qb-core/shared/items.lua:

    -- maze heist
    rccar                   = { name = 'rccar',                         label = 'ESP Rc Car',                               weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'rccar.png',                                                unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'ESP RC CAR' },    
    rccontroller            = { name = 'rccontroller',                  label = 'ESP Rc Car Controller',                    weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'rccontroller.png',                                         unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'ESP Rc Car Controller' },    
    rfid_cloner             = { name = 'rfid_cloner',                  label = 'RFID Cloner',                            weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'rfid_cloner.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'RFID Cloner' },    
    painting1               = { name = 'painting1',                    label = 'Mark Ashkenazi Painting',                weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'painting1.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Mark Ashkenazi Painting' },    
    painting2               = { name = 'painting2',                    label = 'Jean Delvin Painting',                   weight = 100,       type = 'item',      image = 'painting2.png',                                          unique = true, useable = true,     shouldClose = true,    combinable = nil,   description = 'Jean Delvin Painting' },   

Add this into your qb-inventory js file:

        case "rfid_cloner":
            if (itemData.info.uses == undefined) {
                return `<p>Uses: 5</p>`;  
                return `<p>Uses: ${itemData.info.uses}</p>`;  

Add the items below into your qs-inventory/shared/items.lua

   ['rccar']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'rccar',
        ['label'] = 'RC Car',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'rccar.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'RC Car...'
    ['rccontroller']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'rccontroller',
        ['label'] = 'RC Controller',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'rccar.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'RC Controller...'
   ['rfid_cloner']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'rfid_cloner',
        ['label'] = 'RFID cloner',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'rfid_cloner.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'RFID cloner...'
      ['painting1']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'painting1',
        ['label'] = 'Mark Ashkenazi Painting',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'painting1.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Mark Ashkenazi Painting'
      ['painting2']                  = {
        ['name'] = 'painting2',
        ['label'] = 'Jean Delvin Painting',
        ['weight'] = 0,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'painting2.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = 'Jean Delvin Painting'

Add this into qs-inventory/server/custom/misc/CreateUseableItem.lua

CreateUsableItem('rccar', function(source, item)
    local src = source
    TriggerClientEvent("zat-mazebankheist:client:UseRCCar", src)

CreateUsableItem('rccontroller', function(source, item)
    local src = source
    TriggerClientEvent("zat-mazebankheist:client:UseRCController", src)

Add this into qs-inventory/config/metadata.js

} else if (itemData.name == "rfid_cloner") {
            $(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + `${itemData.info.label || label}` + "</p>");
            $(".item-info-description").html("<p>Uses: " + itemData.info.uses + "</p>");

Add the items below into your ox-inventory/data/items.lua

	["rccar"] = {
		label = "RC Car",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "RC Car",
		client = {
			image = "rccar.png",
	["rccontroller"] = {
		label = "RC Controller",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "RC Controller",
		client = {
			image = "rccontroller.png",
	["rfid_cloner"] = {
		label = "RFID Cloner",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "RFID Cloner",
		client = {
			image = "rfid_cloner.png",

	["painting2"] = {
		label = "Jean Delvin Painting",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Jean Delvin Painting",
		client = {
			image = "painting2.png",

	["painting1"] = {
		label = "Mark Ashkenazi Painting",
		weight = 100,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = "Mark Ashkenazi Painting",
		client = {
			image = "painting1.png",

Add this into ox_inventory/modules/items/client.lua

Item('rccar', function(data, slot)
    ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
        if data then
            TriggerEvent("zat-mazebankheist:client:UseRCCar", src)

Item('rccontroller', function(data, slot)
    ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
        if data then

Dialog :


Add the code below to zat-dialog/shared/config.lua

        -- mazebank
            ped         = 'a_m_m_ktown_01',
            anim        = 'CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_TIME_OF_DEATH',
            coords      =  vector4(-1254.59, -671.23, 24.99, 304.43),
            job         = "all", -- { ["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 0}  if you are using target
            gang        = "all", -- { ["ballas"] = 2, ["thelostmc"] = 0}  if you are using target
            groups      = "all", -- { ["police"] = 2, ["ambulance"] = 0}  if you are using intearaction
            firstname   = 'BARK',
            lastname    = 'MOORE',
            rep         = 0,
            mission     = 'mazebank',
            text        = 'Hey there, always on the lookout for a side gig, huh? I have got this idea that is a bit out there, but trust me, it pays off. Imagine sneaking with your group into the maze bank and grap every single cent in there?',
            buttons     = {
                    text= 'I want to work',
                    rep = 0,
                    answer ='Ready for a day of hard work?',
                            text = 'yes',
                            shop =false,
                            rep = 0,
                            action= {
                                isServer= false,
                                event= 'zat-mazebankheist:client:StartWorking',
                                data= {}
                            canInteract = CanToggleSignIn(),
                            text = 'Leave Conversation',
                            shop =false,
                            rep = 0,
                            action= {
                                isServer= false,
                                event= 'zat-dialog:client:HideUi',
                                data= {}
                            canInteract = true
                    canInteract = true
                    text = 'Abandon Mission',
                    rep = 0,
                    shop =false,
                    action= {
                        isServer= false,
                        event= 'zat-mazebankheist:client:StopWorking',
                        data= {}
                    canInteract = true
                    text = 'Join/Create Group',
                    rep = 0,
                    shop =false,
                    action= {
                        isServer= false,
                        event= 'zat-groups:client:OpenUi',
                        data= {}
                    canInteract = true
                    text    = 'Open Shop',
                    rep = 0,
                    shop    = true,
                    answer  = null,
                    canInteract = true
                    name   = 'rfid_cloner',
                    label  = 'RFID Cloner',
                    image  = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'rfid_cloner.png',
                    type   = 'Equipement',
                    price  = 1000,
                    rep    = 0,
                    amount = 0, -- keep it 0
                    info   = {},
                    canInteract = true
                    name   = 'rccar',
                    label  = 'RC CAR',
                    image  = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'rccar.png',
                    type   = 'Equipement',
                    price  = 9520,
                    rep    = 0,
                    amount = 0, -- keep it 0
                    info   = {},
                    canInteract = true
                    name   = 'rccontroller',
                    label  = 'RC CAR CONTROLLER',
                    image  = 'nui://'..Config.Img..'rccontroller.png',
                    type   = 'Equipement',
                    price  = 530,
                    rep    = 0,
                    amount = 0, -- keep it 0
                    info   = {},
                    canInteract = true



copy mazebank.lua doorlock file and paste it in qb-doorlock/configs


Just import the ox_doorlock.sql into your Database.


Last updated