Last updated
Last updated
You will need the latest version of qb-core
Extract the contents of the archive to your resources folder.
Start the resource near the top of your resources in your server.cfg.
Add the items below to the qb-core/shared/items.lua:
-- mdt
pdcam = { name = 'pdcam', label = 'Security Camera', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'pdcam.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Security Camera' },
rfid_cloner = { name = 'rfid_cloner', label = 'RFID Cloner', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'rfid_cloner.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'RFID Cloner' },
Add the items below into your qs-inventory/shared/items.lua
['rfid_cloner'] = {
['name'] = 'rfid_cloner',
['label'] = 'RFID cloner',
['weight'] = 0,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'rfid_cloner.png',
['unique'] = true,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['combinable'] = nil,
['description'] = 'RFID cloner...'
['pdcam'] = {
['name'] = 'pdcam',
['label'] = 'Security Camera',
['weight'] = 0,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pdcam.png',
['unique'] = true,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['combinable'] = nil,
['description'] = 'Security Camera...'
Add this into qs-inventory/server/custom/misc/CreateUseableItem.lua
CreateUsableItem('moneyprinter', function(source, item)
local src = source
TriggerClientEvent("zat-mdt:client:UseItem", src, 'prop_cctv_cam_01a')
Add the items below into your ox-inventory/data/items.lua
["rfid_cloner"] = {
label = "RFID Cloner",
weight = 100,
stack = false,
close = true,
description = "RFID Cloner",
client = {
image = "rfid_cloner.png",
["pdcam"] = {
label = "Security Camera",
weight = 100,
stack = false,
close = true,
description = "Security Camera",
client = {
image = "pdcam.png",
Add this into ox_inventory/modules/items/client.lua
Item('pdcam', function(data, slot)
ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
if data then
TriggerEvent("zat-mdt:client:UseItem", 'prop_cctv_cam_01a')