Common questions
Can I use it for specific job ?
For this reason we left the server.lua not encrypted, sou you can use a specific job to open the UI, don't forget to disable the command in that case.
ESX.RegisterUsableItem('ubereatstablet', function(source)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
TriggerClientEvent('zat-ubereats:client:UseUberEatsTab', source)
Can I use my custom notification instead of the default QBCore ?
Yes, you can in the config.lua
function Notify(text, type)
ESX.ShowNotification(text, type) -- change it with the notification you are using
function SendUberEatsDeliveryMail(id, name, package)
ESX.ShowNotification('Hey, if you are interested we have a pending delivery of '.. package ..' with id : '" for you. Kind regards, ", "success")
Last updated