Detailed explanation of the config file to adapt the resource to your player needs.
The config.lua
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "qb" -- "qb"
Config.Inventory = "qb" -- "ps", "qb", "ox", "qs"
Config.Target = "qb" -- ox !!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT
Config.FrameworkPseudo = 'qb-core' = 'qb-phone'
Config.ServerName = 'Your Server Name'
Config.ZoneDebug = false
Config.UseNPCDialog = true
Config.UseInteract = true
---------- Only if Config.UseNPCDialog is set to false ---------------
Config.NPC = { --
model = "a_m_m_hillbilly_02", --
coords = vector4(574.08, 133.01, 98.47, 249.26) --
} -- --
Config.ShopItems = { --
[1] = { --
name = "screwdriver", --
price = 1000, --
amount = 50, --
info = {}, --
type = "item", --
slot = 1, --
} --
} --
Config.MiniumCops = 3
Config.zatui = 'zat-ui' -- set 'qb-menu', if you renamed the 'zat-ui' resource name to 'qb-menu'
Config.RequiredItem = 'screwdriver'
Config.GenerateTime = 1 -- time in minutes
Config.StealCount = math.random(8, 12)
Config.Radius = 150.0
Config.Alarm = 1 -- fail attempts to start the alarm + call police
Config.Fail = 3 -- number of fails to cancel the mission
Config.CompactUrl = '' -- Trash Recycle Sound effect
Config.AlarmUrl = '' -- alarm URL
Config.Dispatch = 'qb-core' -- cd_dispatch, ps-dispatch
Config.Minigame = {
time = 20,
columns = 11 ,
rows = 7,
Config.PoliceJobs = {
Config.Area = {
vector3(-1221.96, -1067.69, 14.35),
vector3(-575.50, -142.08, 51.99),
vector3(-1282.18, -765.94, 28.77),
vector3(-162.37, 315.10, 103.93),
vector3(-1283.42, -849.34, 23.48),
vector3(450.19, -1092.18, 43.06),
vector3(-687.94, -152.82, 53.62),
Config.Recycler = {
[1] = {model = 'prop_roofrunning_recyc', coords = vector4(-325.39, -1549.44, 26.71, 90.0), recycling = false},
Config.Slots = 10 -- recycler max slots
Config.UseEmote = true
Config.props = {
[`prop_aircon_m_06`] = {
[`sum_prop_ac_aircon_02a`]= {
[`prop_aircon_m_04`]= {
[`prop_roofvent_06a`]= {
Config.RareRewardsLuck = 100 -- 5%
Config.RareRewards = {
[1] = { name = 'goldchain', amount = math.random(1,5), info = {}},
[2] = { name = 'goldbar', amount = math.random(1,5), info = {}},
---------- MUST BE <= length of config.Recycle[item] !! important ----------------
Config.RandomItems = math.random(1,3) -- amount of items to get from recyucling---
Config.RecycleTime = 38 -- Recycle time in Seconds
Config.Recycle = { -- feel free to add more items from your server to recyle them as well
['hvacblower'] = {
['metalscrap'] = {
name = 'metalscrap',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['plastic'] = {
name = 'plastic',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['copper'] = {
name = 'copper',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['aluminum'] = {
name = 'aluminum',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['aluminumoxide'] = {
name = 'aluminumoxide',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['iron'] = {
name = 'iron',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['ironoxide'] = {
name = 'ironoxide',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['steel'] = {
name = 'steel',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['rubber'] = {
name = 'rubber',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['glass'] = {
name = 'glass',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['hvaccompressor'] = {
['metalscrap'] = {
name = 'metalscrap',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['plastic'] = {
name = 'plastic',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['copper'] = {
name = 'copper',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['aluminum'] = {
name = 'aluminum',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['aluminumoxide'] = {
name = 'aluminumoxide',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['iron'] = {
name = 'iron',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['ironoxide'] = {
name = 'ironoxide',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['steel'] = {
name = 'steel',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['rubber'] = {
name = 'rubber',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['glass'] = {
name = 'glass',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['gturbinehead'] = {
['metalscrap'] = {
name = 'metalscrap',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['plastic'] = {
name = 'plastic',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['copper'] = {
name = 'copper',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['aluminum'] = {
name = 'aluminum',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
} ,
['aluminumoxide'] = {
name = 'aluminumoxide',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['iron'] = {
name = 'iron',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['ironoxide'] = {
name = 'ironoxide',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['steel'] = {
name = 'steel',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['rubber'] = {
name = 'rubber',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
['glass'] = {
name = 'glass',
amount = math.random(10,20),
info = {},
Config.Fence = {
[1] = {model = 's_m_m_migrant_01', anim = "CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_TIME_OF_DEATH", coords = vector4(1366.76, 3616.00, 34.02, 292.86), selling = false},
[2] = {model = 's_m_m_migrant_01', anim = "CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_TIME_OF_DEATH", coords = vector4(-338.91, -2444.76, 6.30, 49.30), selling = false},
---------- MUST BE <= length of config.Sell[item] !! important ----------------
Config.RandomSell = math.random(1,2) -- amount of items to get from selling-------
Config.SellTime = 3 -- 3 seconds to make sure all items are sold (>3 is enough)
Config.Sell = { -- feel free to add more items from your server to recyle them as well
['hvacblower'] = {
['goldbar'] = {
name = 'goldbar',
amount = math.random(1,3),
info = {},
['goldchain'] = {
name = 'goldchain',
amount = math.random(1,3),
info = {},
['hvaccompressor'] = {
['goldbar'] = {
name = 'goldbar',
amount = math.random(1,3),
info = {},
['goldchain'] = {
name = 'goldchain',
amount = math.random(1,3),
info = {},
['gturbinehead'] = {
['goldbar'] = {
name = 'goldbar',
amount = math.random(1,3),
info = {},
['goldchain'] = {
name = 'goldchain',
amount = math.random(1,3),
info = {},
Last updated