Common questions

Can I use it for specific job ?

For this reason we left the server.lua not encrypted, sou you can use a specific job to open the UI, don't forget to disable the command in that case.

QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem("amazontab", function(source, item)
  local src = source
  local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
  if == "jobname" then
    if Player.Functions.GetItemByName( ~= nil then
      TriggerClientEvent("zat-amazon:client:UseAmazonTab", src)
Can I use my custom notification instead of the default QBCore ?

Yes, you can in the config.lua

function Notify(text, type)
    QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, type) 	-- change it with the notification you are using
Can I Use Other Emotes ?

Yes You can export or trigger Any Emotes You want. No need to change anything in here, if you are using rpemotes.

function PlayAmazonEmote(emote)
	if emote == "c" then
		-- -- Replace it with the Cancel emote you want 
	elseif emote == "box" then
		-- Replace it with the emote you want

	-- You can use any exports or trigger any event you want to...
	TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {emote})
Problem with RPEMOTES ?

if you have any problems with rpemotes make sure that you have changed the framework on its config.lua (line 58 ) to this

    -- Used for few framework dependent things. Accepted values: "qb-core", false
    Framework = 'qb-core',

Last updated